Support people individually (rather than in groups) when going to a community/neighborhood event.
Step back and support the person to participate to the best of his/her ability.
Do not assume that the person needs your help.
Help the person locate and attend community events and activities that best reflect his/her interests and that best match what others of his/her age group seek out.
Attend places on a regular basis so relationships have a chance to form.
Find the gatekeeper of the group – the one who will introduce a person to members of the group.
Avoid “special programs” or going out in large groups that only bring attention to someone’s disability. This is not how most people participate in the community.
Go into the bank or the restaurant instead of using drive-through windows.
Encourage people to make their own purchases rather than purchasing items for them.
Model what it looks like to be part of a community by being friendly and introducing yourself to others.